Selecting your Maid of Honor is no small task; I mean how can you possibly crown just one woman in your life with this significant label?

If you’re ‘fortunate’ enough to have a small or large close-knit group of friends or two or three wonderfully doting sisters or a handful of ‘close’ cousins, assigning this responsibility is sure to be a trial.

You definitely do not want to offend or hurt anybody but, likewise, you don’t want to feel hassled into picking somebody just because he or she desires to be picked. Although we cannot make the choice for you, we can offer you with this guide to get you thinking about what the choice should require.

Should I consider a family member?

A foolproof way not to upset anyone is to go with a family member. In the end, blood is thicker than water. Whereas your bond and love for a friend could fade for whatever reason after your wedding, you will continuously have a keen bond with a family member. That indicates that your sister or favorite cousin might make the ideal choice.

Prior to you making your choice, you ought to confirm that the one you have in mind can in fact deal with those expenses. Whilst you can already understand your friend or loved one’s financial circumstances, having an honest and open forthright conversation about the several expenses will help you to get around any awkwardness. Remain clear about the overall budget of all your bridal-related affairs from the start, so there are no surprises.

Should I count on promises?

If your besties are contending for the Maid of Honor position then they probably think they have a fair chance. In that situation, they could make certain promises, for instance repaying the favor when they wed, to try to influence your opinion. Stay strong and trust your gut feeling. This is by no means a negotiating situation. The sister, cousin or friend you choose should be someone who feels right to you.

Can she afford it?

Receiving this privilege does not come discounted. Being a bridesmaid does not come cheap and many don’t understand until they’ve been in the position. The standard cost of being a bridesmaid is around N50k, and has gone up to N500k or more in some luxurious cases. Given that the maid of honor has additional responsibilities, as well as planning, organizing, scheduling and chipping in towards the bridal shower/ hen night, that price tag could be even substantial.

What are my bridesmaids’ strengths?

It is to be expected that you have pinned down your bridesmaids early on, then again who gets upgraded to the Maid of Honor position? Give yourself some time to consider your requirements as a bride, and then evaluate which of your bridesmaids is suitably and reliably capable of handling those needs. Remain sincere as much as you can when it comes to their strengths and weaknesses—just as you would when considering someone for a job. For example, you might be particularly chummy with your high school BFF; nonetheless you know that she is often absent-minded and undependable. On the other hand, your close friend: who was also your roommate in the university could be an expert when it comes to coordinating events and maintaining her cool in stressful situations.

Does she understand the responsibilities?

It is not simply a label. Being someone’s Maid of Honor comes with a range of duties, starting from: organizing and planning with the other bridesmaids, helping you with the theme for the wedding, asoebi, bridal outfit choices, keeping you relaxed and unruffled in the lead-up to the big day to giving a heart-wrenching speech at your reception. Take into account which promising bridesmaid is up to the task. If you have confidence in that particular friend that can manage it, then it is time to have a conversation and make certain that friend is 100% committed.

Is she supportive?

Before you walk down the aisle, it’s normal to get nervous. A good number of brides get a stretch of eleventh-hour anxiety when their big day finally comes. Possibly one of the most essential tasks for your maid of honor is to help you hold it together, so as not to get flustered. Confirm the one you pick can deal with that emotional squabbling. The situation might help to picture each of your candidates in this particular condition. What counsel would each offer? How would each stand/speak up for you? Is somebody very likely to say the spot-on words to settle down your worries? Is someone the kind of person who will put her foot in her mouth? In the end, your Maid of Honor is a confidant and someone you entrust to have your back.

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